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Friday, October 25, 2013

Use of technology for the care of the elderly with sensitivity

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My elderly mother of 80 years living in 15 kilometres from where I live with my two children of the school itself. And today, I know that she woke exactly 7: 20 this morning, which was in the atmosphere of bathroom for 15 minutes before the cap on the kitchen and under sail around en route to the garden. I also know that his blood pressure was slightly higher when she woke, but he quickly returned to normal by his time in the garden. I know that it has taken their medication and probably ate breakfast and lunch we have provided for her, as she opened the refrigerator twice in the day. For the moment, seems to be disabled on a walk, because it opened its doors shortly after 10: 00. How will I know all of this ask you? This is the new affordable technology that we have to take care of the elderly. It helps children who work completely maintain chips advanced in the well-being of elderly parents. It is any connected network, the high-tech and it changes the way people live.

This type of father of seeing accuracy often seems to be exactly the opposite of what happens usually - when you are young, use of baby monitors of the parents and Nana cameras around the world for you ensure that you are indeed maintained; When you are in school, you call on your cell phone to ensure that they are doing well. What is reverse when the parents crossed a certain age and in need of much attention. Care for the elderly can be a very expensive business; Of course, there is the money you spend, but who cannot rely on what costs in lost hours at work and also the emotional price you pay with their parents living in a retirement home where probably have to beg a nurse for three hours before they are allowed to pee (is like)(,_même_dans_les_bonnes_maisons_de_soins_infirmiers).

There are several companies that offer this type of service now - GE, iReminder, GrandCare, among others. But, these days of small children can sow in overinvolved how parents can be, elderly parents who lived their whole lives with all the necessary independence, mixture of feelings on the usefulness and the objective of such a system. They appreciate everything they do for their children in the care for the elderly; but they have big brother watching or all the time, it is unacceptable in our culture.

Invasion of privacy in our culture can be one of the worst things to their parents or of any person. If you have a system for the care of elderly parents at home, it is a good idea to raise when they are still in good health and did not need such care. When people do not have the choice, a new intrusion can be particularly difficult to accept. A system of digital medicine as a notice of MedMinder may give a reminder of the voice of his father and for all necessary pills for them too. If they take their medication as he reminded, you receive a call from the machine; and then, will be his job to call his parents. The technology is perfectly wonderful to allow. It all depends on how it is actually put to use. You must be a number of balancing - control with lot of respect for personal choice and independence. If it is done well, it eventually be grateful, not resentful.



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