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Friday, August 19, 2011

Their children and maps of the world

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Although there are many families, there is today the home educate their children, there are many families who depend on public or private school to teach their children what they need to know to enter the school and to lead a good life. Education is very important, and the parents must know that their children learn, and can slip through the cracks. The parents who must move lot must pay particular attention, because children may lose some questions which are very important. The geography is very important, but some children were not what they need. Therefore, you can have a few maps of the world in your home.

If you do not know how they do their children, you can easily get maps of the world to try. You surprised on very little, some children learn about other countries, continents and major cities in the rest of the world. They do not learn the things you need to know. This could be a child who thinks that Europe is a country that a group of countries, or they think that the Austria is where kangaroos live in most abundant number, not Australia. These simple errors could cost them, not to mention pure shame that can be found.

You do not have to rely on schools to ensure that their children know what they want to know. World maps can be used at home in a very simple way to teach continents children, counties and cities. You can make a game of it if you must, but be sure that they learn that it is not only the Australia live kangaroos, but only when we have the winter in the northern hemisphere in summer. You can also learn about weather and all sorts of other classes.

Maps of the world can be a part of the lives of their children as young as you want. You can begin to report to the place where they live, and perhaps someone from their family lives if they do not live near you. You can start with their teacher on the United States (if it is where he lives) and then individual that make up the country. You can then highlight cities focusing in each state capital and other cities that can be known as New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, to name a few. You can also teach them how to read the map to determine how many miles between two destinations.

If you go on vacation, or go to a person in another State or country, you can use the maps of the world as a way to teach them. When you can match what you see on a map of what they are, or do so at this time, you will learn more easily. Show them how roads and connected and implemented by the States, countries and other countries are near where you live or where they can go on vacation. Never miss an opportunity to teach their children the important things, as you never know when this information will be useful for them.



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