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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Discipline child ideas for everyday situations

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Small children are not reasonable people, like any person occupying a pair at the same time, no doubt, he noted. I remember the time that has a few races in the city, and I remembered that I had to stop in a store that sells candy and candy of all kinds, to purchase a package and which are gifts packed for a gift for someone else. It came to be a big mistake, because it came with my child at the time and was simply not ready to abandon the celestial surroundings at this time there. Only, he refused to meet its needs in the legs, sank to the ground, reinforced in his body and little everything children do when they are not considering be cooperative. How exactly do they work with the discipline of the child, especially when it comes to a public place?

All that we love to see children say. simply do not want that launch the vagaries in the process. Assume that his son is in the car on the way to the supermarket. And he strives belt on the baby seat in the back and she wriggles like you not only believe. Some parents as distract their children with faces, a short story about rabbits and birds that take their eyes what it does to the second. If this is not, I am always happy to make use of a bribe without hesitation that I have in my pocket for these cases. I'm going to hang a gift you like from their eyes and say now and get it to sit still for a second. Discipline based on the principles of the Effectivce of the children later a back seat to convenience.

In a new one each night, it is time to caprice around our House. My three year old daughter has need for brushing teeth. Only, there is nothing on earth that hates as much as a sobre palo furry ripple in its mouth. And I discovered one day by chance how to scroll the situation. My mistake at the beginning it was said, "to do now again with me by what I can't brush,?". Only asked to be shot. These days, completely disregarding the question of whether it is ready to brush the teeth; I only asked if you want toothpaste flavoured with strawberries on the banana flavor now. Now, it's something to aim their anger that brushing ritual, she is distracted from him temporarily. And if it doesn't work, I only blame the dentist; and commiserate with her on how unfair the dentist is that we have to do this.

OK, there is no parent who has not been through the fight of child discipline - vegetables. Young children can have the effect food preferences and pet Rusard. If it is not corn, its core; and bananas can suddenly remind you something slimy and disgusting as it was the day before. It might be something that may try to serve salads and vegetables. Vegetable smell just funny and stronger flavour in cooking. Or can pick up fruit, vegetables and help your child achieve at least some of the cool things in his stomach.



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