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Friday, December 6, 2013

BP pledges to clean up oil spill damage in the Gulf

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A clean-up operation on Queen Bess Island, June 2010. BP pledged a $500m fund for independent research into the consequences of the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster.
We look for a long time if we expect BP, one of the largest companies in the world of the fork on billions of dollars because of the guilt they feel. The Obama Government has to clean oil spill damage to Gulf of the Mexico by any means necessary. Probably will require a special Act of Congress or Presidential Decree before the giant conglomerate will really admit his biggest mistake and start somewhat offset the disastrous effects of the mass of oil spill, one of the largest, if not the most important in the history of the planet. A plan to clean the runoff of oil spill in marshes and wildlife is still completely formulated and the administration of the Obama to get there and to require that this giant company to fiscal and moral responsibility.

Thousands have lost their means of subsistence because of the disaster, and several thousand more have slipped below the poverty line at a time when the economy is now derived from massive bailout of the financial industry. Many fishermen who may not eat or wear their own families, now that fishing is almost impossible to know where are helping the Government. Really wonder if it will have a British Petroleum (BP) to the largest tag pricing and restore Ocean and wetlands that fishermen can go back to what they did for the years to support their families. To clean up spills of oil damage know that money will not suffice, regardless of the amount paid subsequently. They recognize also the most affected community must combine their own strength and resources and cleaning oil spill damaged beaches, wetlands, creatures and the Gulf itself.

Of course fishermen and others was destroyed livelihoods is also that some of them might come out with large colonies once the dust settles. A series of lawsuits have already been presented, and many more steam rally, information and signatures prior to be archived. BP is very worried, but such a giant Corporation with as much money in reserve for this kind of disaster that any amount that eventually offer seem chump change from the irreparable damage caused by the spill. BP do what do companies naturally and that it protects the bottom line for investors and shareholders. Fight tooth and nail to pay as little as possible when the claims of.

It is the Government which should intervene and represent the interests of the people, not only of large companies. It is an excellent opportunity for politicians finally do the right thing. But fishermen and other entrepreneurs who have been affected by this oil spill not hold expect them BP to assist. They know that they will first have to help themselves and fight with all its force business as usual.



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