Ipad and samsung is always competitive in launching a product. This time turn left by the launch of Samsung ipad 2 is phenomenal. Seeing the advantages ipad 2 than the previous generation ipad 1, then the samsung feasible to examine the advantages and deficiency of ipad 2. For-performance 10.1-inch samsung galaxy tab can be great and can compete with ipad 2.
Arrival iPad two stinging Samsung. Samsung officials acknowledge iPad 2 makes some parts of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 inch screen version looks less good. Price iPad 2, which is relatively inexpensive, may also force Samsung's lower price plan Galaxy Tab 10.1 inch tablet.
"We have to improve some parts that are less," said Don-Joo Lee, VP of Samsung's Mobile Division, as detikINET quotes from CNN on Saturday (05/03/2011). Only he did not mention in detail which parts that still need to be repaired.
Samsung recently introduced the Galaxy Tab 10'1 inch as new ammunition to compete with a row of other tablets, particularly iPad 2. Honeycomb Android-based tablet is equipped with a variety of attractive features, but it looks like Don-joo still feel less satisfied when compared with the iPad 2.
Don-Joo do not forget to observe the price iPad 2, which would sell from USD 499. He, too, were they worth their price tag to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 inch so as to provide resistance means. Galaxy Tab 10.1 will soon be marketed by Samsung.
"Tablet 10 inch will be priced higher than the 7 inch, but we'll think about it again," added Don Joo.
Manufacturers from South Korea is often considered as the only significant rival for the first edition iPad. Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 inch version sells around two million units in 2010. However, this amount is far from selling the iPad to reach about 15 million units.
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