Thursday, Madison police debuted the shiny sports car as the newest addition to its fleet of cruisers. The car was donated by Jeff and Nilmini Thompson, owners of Systems, Products and Solutions.

next to the department's newest police cruiser, a donated 2010 Chevrolet Corvette.
When the couple decided they wanted to give back to their local police department, Chief Larry Muncey said Jeff Thompson's memory of the D.A.R.E. car growing up birthed the idea of the new red Corvette.
"So often, kids see nice cars and it makes an impression," Muncey said. "In lower economic areas, they associate nice cars with drug dealers."
But the department's Corvette now shows kids the "American Dream," Muncey said.
"These are two business owners who started their own business and now have the income to donate an $80,000 car," he said.
The lights, computers, TVs and other technology used in the car were all donated by area businesses, costing the police department nothing, Muncey said. The car is a fully-functioning patrol car and will be used for traffic stops and other patrols, but its main focus will be community outreach, said Lt. John Stringer, Madison's community resource officer.
"The Thompsons wanted to build relationships between their police department the community they live in," Stringer said. "This car will open up conversation between kids and police as well as adults and police."
Open dialogue is key in police work, he said.
"We can't do our job without the community's involvement," Stringer said.
The car will also be used in school outreach, local parades and other community events.
"We want to be out there talking to people, because we're part of this community, too," he said. "A major part of what we do as police officers is solving problems and communicating with the public.
"This car is invaluable in doing that," he said. Continue ►
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