Pollution is a problem for many cities in the world, it has been a threat to environmentalist and developed countries. Efforts are being made to overcome the growing pollution in the world but for some cities its too much, and those are the ones where it hit the hardest. So if your a neat freak avoid these ten cities.
1. Maputo – Mozambique
Maputo is the capital and the largest city of Mozambique located on the bank of Indian Ocean. It is suffering from lack of sanitation processes–specifically the lack of a solid waste removal system as well as sewage treatment has created difficulties for people over there. Huge garbage dumps and piles of garbage seem scattered in the streets, and the sewage in the river can be seen.
Lots of water tore down buildings and uprooted telegraph poles are visible in the town and the town is partially under water. The fields that fed its 60,000 residents have now turned into marsh.
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