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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Amazon's UK site selling WikiLeaks excerpts

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WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tells a news conference in London that he believes the leaked documents provide evidence of war crimes. (File photo)
Associated Press
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tells a news conference in London that he believes the leaked documents provide evidence of war crimes.

NEW YORK - Portions of the diplomatic cables contained in WikiLeaks are available for sale on Amazon's U.K. website, an odd twist after the company ousted the organization from its hosting service.

Excerpts from some of the 250,000 sensitive documents were contained in a Kindle e-book self-published by an author listed as Heinz Duthel. The book isn't available in the U.S.; people in the U.K. can buy it for 7.37 pounds ($11.60).

WikiLeaks has embarrassed Washington in recent weeks for exposing a trove of sensitive diplomatic documents, some of which contain brutally frank assessments of foreign governments. The e-book, viewed by The Associated Press in London, consists of excerpts along with reports on reaction to the releases from media and government officials. It also has a list of the cables by originating embassy.

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